Evidence for 'Backward Evolution' Directly Observed in Humans
Thursday, February 23, 2006 → by Danieru
I was struck today by news that a rare genetic defect seems to be turning back the evolutionary clock in humans. The similarities between people carrying the defective gene and a certain, ape-descended, politician are quite astounding.
See what you think:
See what you think:

The idea that evolution can run backward isn't new; some scientists say there have been confirmed cases of it in animals. But it's also a controversial subject, and considered hard to prove in any given case...
...the mutation - known to run in one Turkish family - might offer scientists an unprecedented glimpse into human origins.
"This syndrome interestingly exhibits prehuman features" and represents "possible backward evolution,"... As such, it "can be considered a live model for human evolution." - link
Some extended claims of this research are compared below with actual utterances from our alpha-male subject. The results offer us further insight into the fragility of the human condition:
'Backward' humans: "...could not count from one to ten." - link
Bush comparison: "It's clearly a budget. It's got a lot of numbers in it."
"I would like to thank all you Canadians for your warm welcome at the airport. Especially those of you who waved (Pause) with all 5 fingers." - link

'Backward' humans: "...were not aware of time and space. For instance, they did not know where they live (which country, which village, which city)." - link
Bush comparison: "Wow! Brazil is big."
"But we've got a big border in Texas, with Mexico, obviously - and we've got a big border with Canada - Arizona is affected." - link
'Backward' humans: "...were unaware of year, season, day, and time." - link
Bush comparison: "This very week in 1989, there were protests in East Berlin and in Leipzig. By the end of that year, every communist dictatorship in Central America had collapsed." - link

'Backward' humans: "...were mentally retarded..." - linkCould it be that this genetic devolution has already occured and is prevelant in subjects such as the infamous ape George W. Bush? The President himself appears to have pre-prepared for this discovery:
Bush comparison: "I understand small business growth. I was one."
"I know that the human being and the fish can coexist peacefully."
Commenting on the name of a reporter's son: "Can you imagine if my name had been Mungo Bush?" - link
"Keep good relations with the monkeys." - link'Backward Evolution' is not just a metaphor for the current state of the US Science-Education system. The apes are already amongst us...
Categories: Science, Weird, Humour, News, Links, Evolution, Politics, Bush, Nature, Intelligent Design, Human?, Quotes
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March 03, 2006 3:10 AM
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