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Conscious Death - Every Night

→ by Danieru

Every night I die. Causation departs the wide eyed experience, inner motions shuffle mental chaos into a semblance of order. A flash of colours, a distant homogeny of previous selves relate in the stasis of dreams my memories and realities. Consciousness wanes, the urge I feel to have identity becomes fluid, I am a thousand burning suns, I channel forgotten childhoods, I taste the heavens, drink sensate imagery, chaos becomes truth, fiction is motion, memory bubbles liquid.

Sensation amassed in living memory reorders tonally. That scrap of awareness or inch of inner narrative, each breath of daily routine become all one, in melody and dynamic visual harmony. I become all, and all I in these timeless spaces, futureless voids of zero dimension, infinite distinction. Outside there is sense, emotion, reality, fiction, hope, desire, belief - all distinct. Yet here, in conscious death they merge as one, metamorphosise beyond what each to each can be.

When comes the infinite edge of this void no I will be aware and yet time meanders the basin of my life, the harmony of my mind to emerge, re-born, as repetitive morning tones hack my dream world into formless pieces. A thousand suns implode, motion tip-toes from its hiding place. I am one again, waking life is that conscious urge to be. My world, again, is me.

There go my dreams again. What inspired me to meander the dreamscape on a flying tapestry of prose? It was those crazy scientists it was:
"Deep Sleep Short-circuits Brain's Grid Of Connectivity

In the human brain, cells talk to one another through the routine exchange of electrical signals. But when people fall into a deep sleep, the higher regions of the brain - regions that during waking hours are a bustling grid of neural dialogue - apparently lose their ability to communicate effectively, causing consciousness to fade.

Writing Friday, Sept. 30, in the journal Science, a team of researchers led by UW-Madison professor of psychiatry Giulio Tononi reports that the fading of consciousness during dreamless sleep seems to occur as the different regions of the cerebral cortex that mediate perception, thought and action become functionally disconnected..." -

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Anonymous MOON said...

Some one asked me tonight, why am i so passionted by Virtual Worlds, and How the Futur world will be like.
The First thing that came to my Foged mind,was DREAMS, it's because of my dreams. i have such realistic and vivid dreams of places i've never been to, and of people i've never seen, i'm going thru, interesting "other" dimention experiances, and it is so strong, stronger then reality. maybe for me, living virtual experiance is reliving (with certain control) my dream world.

and then i found you...

December 06, 2005 8:15 PM    

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