Science vs God's Phenomenologically Inferred Love
Thursday, September 29, 2005 → by Danieru
Of course the worlds composing science and religion still cause contrast and confusion, but surely, you shout, such ridiculous comparisons as this cannot be uncovered today? You don't have to go back 400 years to find science and religion formulating new punchlines:
"A recent Radio Four programme had a distinguished retired geneticist, who is also a devout Christian, pondering the virgin birth. Jesus, it turned out, is something of a biological conundrum. As a male, he must have carried a Y-chromosome, which can be transmitted only by the father's sperm, yet apparently he had no corporeal father. Where, then, did his Y-chromosome come from? The geneticist suggested that one of Mary's two X-chromosomes might have carried a piece of the Y. Asked whether this would make Mary abnormal, the geneticist changed the subject. He did so for good reason: this condition, sometimes seen in humans, would make Mary a sterile male and the virgin birth thus triply miraculous." - link

Theory and experiment vs faith and divine purpose. Is it possible for these two diametric systems to harmonise, or even benefit from one another?
"Attempts to reconcile science and religion are usually doomed to failure......because nearly all religions make claims about the real world - the domain of science - that don't stand up to scientific scrutiny. Faced with these difficulties, advocates resort to circumlocution, sophistry or absurd speculations that offend both scientists and believers." - linkIntelligent Design (ID), with all its allusions to science, is dangerous precisely because it does not admit its allegiance to religious reality, as outlined in this definition of Theory from Wikipedia:
"In various sciences, a theory is a logically self-consistent model or framework describing the behavior of a certain natural or social phenomenon, thus either originating from observable facts or supported by them. Scientific theories are formulated, developed, and evaluated according to the scientific method. - link"ID is thus not a true theory because its hypotheses are not testable. By sifting through any theory one aims to uncover predictions which do not corroborate with the evidence, and it is here, in science, that theories are re-drafted, that more evidence is collected and that better predictions are formed. In blowing up the theory of Evolution to great size and speculation Intelligent Design is purely showing how a real theory should be formulated, and in doing so, exposing itself to be nothing of the sort.
ID is using Noah's Ark argument to assess modern realities.

".... If one applies the same empirical standards to Christianity as scientists do to Darwinism, religion suffers: we have far more evidence for the existence of dinosaurs than for the divinity of Christ." - linkIt is not only science and religion as empirically distinct philosophies that are at odds here, more realistically religious and scientific viewpoints are better understood as coming from different realities entirely. Thus:
"Phenomenological reality
On a much broader and more subjective level, the private experiences, curiosity, inquiry, and selectivity involved in the personal interpretation of an event, shapes reality as seen by one and only one individual and hence is called phenomenological. This form of reality might be common to others as well, but at times could also be so unique to oneself as to be never experienced or agreed upon by any one else. Much of the spiritual experience of an individual occurs on this level of reality...." - link

For a more rounded view of some of these issues please click any of the category links below to explore my past posts...
Categories: Religion, Intelligent Design, History, Science, Politics, Human, Philosophy, Evolution, Creationism, Reality
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September 29, 2005 1:26 PM
November 29, 2005 2:26 AM
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