Excruciatingly Large Things

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G8 Decides to do Sweet F*** All

→ by Danieru
UPDATE: G8 is over and so, it seems, is any prospect of a Global agreement on environmental issues:
'Global warming is a “serious long-term challenge” requiring“resolve and urgency”, declared the Group of Eight countries on Friday...

...Simon Retallack at the Institute for Public Policy Research in the UK says: “It is welcome that the communiqué accepts the science of climate change.
However, it contains no new targets or timetables or even in-principle support for binding limits on greenhouse gas emissions. This is essential if we are to drive the large-scale, near-term deployment of low-carbon technologies.”' - Link
So here we are, safe in the knowledge that the Earth is on one-way track to ecological implosion and in full agreement that we will carry on doing pretty much nothing to avoid it.

This is probably the final decade where we are still capable of putting a stop to the ever growing ecological cancer known as "human progress". If the prosperity of this generation is at the expense of generations yet to come I suggest it is a prosperity we do not deserve to celebrate.

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