Excruciatingly Large Things

Daniel Rourke's new website is:


Ultra-Hero Blogging

→ by Danieru
Blogging can be a dry and often inane process, especially when Japan is the subject. The weblog community is crammed to bursting with Japanophilic weblogs, especially from Gaijin authors. So it was with joy in my heart that I discovered The Japanese Ultra-Hero Blog (Kaiju Blog) it is in Japanese so I understand nothing of its content, but deep down I feel it might just be the coolest blog in the Blog-verse.

Forget Spiderman, Knightrider or The Incredible Hulk. In the 1970s Japanese Pop-culture created an Ultra Universe to rival any Western equivalent. Thou must enjoy it I say, but not being Ultra myself I can not enforce that opinion. Its up to yo' good, Ultra-selves...

Thanks Crazy Japan & Octopus Dropkick!
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