Excruciatingly Large Things

Daniel Rourke's new website is:


Religion and Politics Clash

→ by Danieru
Following on from yesterday's story on political and religious ignorance here are two related stories from Slate (online news source):

Creationism vs. Intelligent Design: Is there a difference? - Link

Conservatism As Pathology: Are Bush supporters literally insane? - Link

...on a more directly linked note here's an article about a Baptist Minister from Haywood County who excommunicated 9 members of his congregation because they did not vote for Bush... Link

And finally an article from Meat-Eating Leftists directed my attention to the editorial shift occuring in The New York Times (often seen as America's most respected left-wing voice). I quote:
"The New York Times buckles under right wing pressure:

'In order to build readers' confidence, an internal committee at The New York Times has recommended taking a variety of steps, including having senior editors write more regularly about the workings of the paper, tracking errors in a systematic way and responding more assertively to the paper's critics.

The committee also recommended that the paper "increase our coverage of religion in America" and "cover the country in a fuller way," with more reporting from rural areas and of a broader array of cultural and lifestyle issues.'

More disappointment from the spineless liberal machine. It's as if covering religion will give the Times some (Main) street cred. Gimme a fucking break.

This is going to make the right wing cheerleaders laugh and revel in glory. They will claim this as an important media takeover.
Finally, please also check out the comments section at the bottom of yesterday's post for further opinions...

Thanks also to Freiheit un Wissen for that last story!
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Blogger LingLing said...

hey! I just found your blog via BE. Great post! i'm going to check those links right now---keep up the good work! I blogmarked you and i'll be back,
Cheers, Lingling

May 11, 2005 10:32 AM    

Blogger Danieru said...

thanks. nice to get an idea of who how and why people get here. keeps me on my toes

May 11, 2005 1:11 PM    

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