Manifesto for the Prevention of Ignorance within the Religious and Political Universe
Tuesday, May 10, 2005 → by Danieru UPDATE: Here
These words are from the awful website and they symbolise everything I despise about American Politics right now. Something should be done about this and I endeavour to spearhead a campaign to abolish ignorance from the perceived political and religious universe. Here is my manifesto:"Do you believe God belongs in government?
Do you believe President Bush is doing
The Lord's Work?
If so, then show your love for God & the USA!"
- Any person who thinks Bush is doing the lord's work should be shown explicit photographs depicting 1 of the many 1000s of innocent dead in Iraq. They should then be made to repeat the line "thou shalt not murder" until they also agree that the Bush regime is hideous.
- Any person who claims that Jesus is about to return should be tied up and made to watch a Bible being inserted into the quivering asshole of the nearest Priest to hand, they should then be made to watch hundreds of documentaries depicting the human parasitic destruction of the world's ecosystem. If Jesus does come back it will be to a world raped by its inhabitants, they should be made to understand America's ignorance of these issues explicitly.
- Any person who claims that evolution is 'just a theory', and as such should not be taught to our children, should be invited to explain without using the term 'faith' why they have any more right to vote than a monkey. When they fail to compose a valid argument their voting rights should be stripped and officially signed over to a member of ape, monkey or another primate species.
- Any person who states that Christianity is the one true religion and all other belief systems are wrong should be made to recite that Bible passage about loving thy neighbour repeatedly until their lips fall off.
- Any person who believes that showing their love for God includes voting in a member of the Bush family should be locked in a roasting hot oven for a period as close to eternity as possible whilst being made to repeat the line "one man's heaven is another man's hell" an infinite number of times.
Categories: Religion, Humanity, Nonsense, News, Politics, Opinion
-E said...
May 10, 2005 3:48 AM
Danieru said...
May 10, 2005 4:28 AM
volterwd said...
As i can see your not christian... have you ever thought about maybe its possible Christianity is the one true religion?
May 10, 2005 3:45 PM
Vulture 6 said...
May 10, 2005 5:02 PM
Spyder said...
May 10, 2005 9:27 PM
Danieru said...
Check out the updated news story I just posted. Religion can make enough of a fool of itself without me sticking the boot in...
May 11, 2005 1:20 AM
Danieru said...
Belief is BELIEF, there is never truth. Even the model of the Earth revolving around the Sun is not TRUTH it is a model which depicts factual information in the, as yet, most efficient way devised.
Religion cannot be verified like a scientific model can, and if a scientific model, tested countless millions of times against reliable and logical evidence and conditions, is not TRUTH then the BELIEF that a bearded guy died on some cross and was then resurrected for everyone's sins is MOST DEFINITELY NOT TRUE! It is belief.
When you state that all people who don't believe in the Christian God are wrong (and in more extreme cases that they will go to hell as a consequence) you put yourself in a position of ignorance equal to that of Hitler and his BELIEF that the Jews were not worthy of existence.
Belief is very powerful, thats what makes it dangerous.
May 11, 2005 1:39 AM
LingLing said...
Cheers, LingLing
May 11, 2005 10:38 AM
Danieru said...
May 11, 2005 3:24 PM
Overshop said...
May 12, 2005 1:43 AM
Danieru said...
May 12, 2005 2:59 AM
Anonymous said...
May 12, 2005 6:02 AM
Danieru said...
May 12, 2005 7:33 AM
volterwd said...
Stop taking those phil. classes... ur doing shit...
simply not knowing what is the truth with certainty does not mean something is not the truth
your examples sucks... i simply am not 100% certain that the earth revolves around the sun... that doesnt mean its not true... and if im going to be that stubborn and arrogant to say that because im not 100% certain (which i can never be) its not true... well then i guess i dont exist
May 24, 2005 4:21 AM
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