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Christian Video Games - Any Ideas?

→ by Danieru
News direct from the BBC website suggests that video gaming could be about to move in a new, exciting direction, well, that's as long as the Christian gaming community have anything to do with it:

"The Devil, they say, has all the best tunes. Until now he has also had the video games market sewn up...
...But a growing band of Christian game developers are taking a stand...

...Reverend Ralph Bagley, 41, is a man with a mission. "I have always been a gamer since the days of Pong and Pacman," he told BBC News....

..."As believers in Christ, we pray that God will be glorified through our work and that each of us draw nearer to him as we develop and grow as a business," the company says"

This story, I have to say, was an inspiration to me. THE POSSIBILITIES!

For instance, if you want Christian historical realism how about a game based around the time of The Spanish Inquisition? Surely you can forget the blood and guts when the people you mutilate are going straight to hell?

Or maybe a Witch Hunting game set in Mediaeval Europe in which you play the dashing Village Priest, hell bent on wiping out the scourge of your local community. Can you convince the town folk that the young, beautiful wench with the glowing smile is actually in league with the Devil?

Noah and his Ark would make for a great game experience! It is your task, at the call of God, to round up and imprison two of every type of animal before the floods drown humanity. There could be several sections of the game, success in your task is vital for the future of planet Earth. Will you manage to complete your task before the floods come? And remember, don't sail too close to the edge of the world or you might fall off!

I see masses of potential here for quality gaming.
Can you come up with anymore?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

david and goliath would make for kick ass gaming. when was the last game with a stone as the main weapon?

May 25, 2005 2:04 AM    

Blogger Danieru said...

go here for some actually released Bible Games

May 25, 2005 2:23 AM    

Blogger Danieru said...

Using Online, Halo 2 to preach the word of the Lord? Really?

May 25, 2005 3:32 AM    

Anonymous BigCalm said...

I'm thinking a kind of day-of-the-tentacle/monkey island type game based on Moses leading the Israelites out of slavery. Or Jonah and the whale (lots of mini-puzzles inside the whale, etc.).

First-person shooter wouldn't really be appropriate for a bible-based game, but puzzle games would be ideal.

May 25, 2005 8:02 AM    

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think a christian guitar hero or rock band would be an awsome idea

March 24, 2008 12:46 PM    

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