Excruciatingly Large Things

Daniel Rourke's new website is:


St. Patrick's Day

→ by Danieru
Happy Guinness St. Patrick's Day!

Here's to that Irish Saint who knew how to hold his stout.
Have a good one!

I'm off to the middle of a Japanese city to drink Guinness in an Irish pub (apparently The Sligo Inn in Kumamoto imported Irish carpenters to build the inside of the bar, and a fine job they did too)... Global homogeny sometimes has its benifits.

UPDATE: Check out my terrible photo of Japanese folk playing Irish Fiddle music - Link

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Blogger wakarimasen said...

Man, I need to get a life sometime soon. St. Patrick's Day has passed me by once again. I only realized it this morning while reading North American friends' blogs, and now I see that it's possible in Japan, too, to get one's hands around a pint of Guiness. Any green beer, was there? I like the new format. Is just the weblog portion of your site run through Blogger?

March 18, 2005 1:46 AM    

Blogger wakarimasen said...

What's the deal with the comment button, Dan? It should now be flashing "two!"

March 18, 2005 1:49 AM    

Blogger Danieru said...

hey, it does say 2 now... guiness was in full flow last night. i got some nice pics, hopefully have them here later...

March 18, 2005 2:24 AM    

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