Excruciatingly Large Things

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The Man Who Saves the World

→ by Danieru
I managed to get hold of a copy of the infamous Turkish Star Wars rip off - 'Dünyayi kurtaran adam' (The Man Who Saves the World) originally released in 1982. It was worth hunting for...

Confronted within the first 5 minutes with at least 3 minutes of actual footage from the original Star Wars films, the movie then goes on to use the Indiana Jones theme music and at one point during a chase scene manages to superimpose the hero's action with clips from the videogame Pacman!

The Story so far... Our two Turkish heroes set out on a quest to rid the world of an evil terror imposed by a Darth Vadar wannabee with a passion for pointless destruction of life. Only a solar screen made from crushed human brains protects the planet from his evil plans.
See if you can get yourself a copy from online somewhere (?) I even heard it can be purchased on DVD if you look hard enough.

Never before has an attempt at a serious science fiction action flick produced such beautiful garbage. What's the point in spending millions on trash like The Matrix Reloaded when you can get this bunch of kack for next to nothing? Click pics for closer look. Enjoy...

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

adam resmen dalga geçmiş tüm türkler birleşin bakam

June 13, 2006 11:23 AM    

Anonymous Anonymous said...

sokarım böyle işe karı sikelim hadi

June 13, 2006 11:23 AM    

Anonymous Anonymous said...

dunyayi kurtaran adam/the man who saves the world is a classic, you should have guts to shoot such a movie, by that time those Turkish dared such.
Thanks for the movie.
Cuneyt abi you're the number one.
If you wanna see more 70's Turkish classics watch Tarkan and Karamurat.

September 18, 2007 6:51 PM    

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