Homo Flore-marxsis
Wednesday, March 16, 2005 → by Danieru
Old news is not really news at all, but sometimes old news can rise up from the depths of the wonder that is The Internet and bite you on the butt... That happened to me today. Different opinions and perspectives are powerful things indeed. But Homo Floresiensis and Marxism? Eh?
"It was not so-called human nature or some kind of male conspiracy that led to the development of class society and the oppression of women. The material conditions changed and these created the basis for class society and with it the oppression of women. This is the basis of Marxist philosophy: Materialism. In the study of the origins of humans and evolution this means that we have to analyse the objective conditions to understand the course of events. Humans evolved in a very sophisticated way, not because they had been given the gift of reason, but because the material conditions demanded it. Reason and the capacity of abstract thought evolved from these material conditions."
I found this interesting article on the multilayered www.marxist.com website that links the impact of the discovery of Homo Floresiensis with modern, Marxist ideas. Give it a read here, or for now check out this quote:
"It was not so-called human nature or some kind of male conspiracy that led to the development of class society and the oppression of women. The material conditions changed and these created the basis for class society and with it the oppression of women. This is the basis of Marxist philosophy: Materialism. In the study of the origins of humans and evolution this means that we have to analyse the objective conditions to understand the course of events. Humans evolved in a very sophisticated way, not because they had been given the gift of reason, but because the material conditions demanded it. Reason and the capacity of abstract thought evolved from these material conditions."
If you want to check out my rantings on this subject go here...
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