Excruciatingly Large Things

Daniel Rourke's new website is:


Gone to Mongolia

→ by Danieru
I leave Japan for the city of Ulaanbaatar on Sunday morning, my heart set on 16 days of exploring Genghis' homeland.

The Huge Entity will indeed rest my friends, but it NEVER sleeps - Its doors are always open...

Here's to finding Genghis in the Gobi, see you all soon, Dan

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Anal Rocketry and Advanced Birth Control

→ by Danieru
Browsing through online patent blog Intellectual Property Humor I happened upon two paticular ideas that I really want to see change the world. They are thus...

World Changing Patent USPN 6,055,910: Toy gas fired missile and launcher assembly
"To operate the assembly, the operator places the inlet tube with its valve open adjacent his anal region from which a colonic gas is discharged. The piston is then withdrawn to a degree producing a negative pressure to inhale the gas into the combustion chamber to intermix with the air therein to create a combustible mixture. The ignitor is then activated to explode the mixture in the chamber and fire the missile into space." - Link
Cue infinite recombinations of Uranus jokes... I suspect that in this one, genius idea, NASA researchers might have found the solution to all their defunct Space Shuttle and government funding problems.

World Changing Patent USPN 3,216,423: Apparatus for Facilitating the Birth of a Child by Centrifugal Force - Link

I believe someone once said that Actions speak louder than words... and in this patent's case I tend to agree.

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The Huge Entity Genotype

→ by Danieru
The Huge Entity is in a constant state of flux, no more so than today as it morphs into magazine form. Thanks for this must be given to the wonders of Flickr, the online image portal. Having become addicted to its offerings in the past few days I came upon a group dedicated to magazine cover creation and crafted the little beauty you now see to your right. My sister is now a magazine cover as well as a sibling... Nice...

Additions to the The Huge Entity Genotype continue... In the sidebar I have added my Del.icio.us links for all the world to see, a daily updated collection of gleaming internet gems. Give it a browse as you muse the rest of the site or go here for the full linkage. You may also subscribe to my Del.icio.us links very own feed and receive monstrously interesting entities as and when I update them. Try it out

Flickr has also become my new way of sharing funky photos, as the Zeitgeist plugin in the sidebar will show. The Huge Entity is an adaptive creature with enormous metamorphosing potential. Evolutionarily it should be somewhere on a par with citrus by now.


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The Rise of Pastafarianism

→ by Danieru
There is a new world religion in town and it's proponents think it could one day rival even Christianity in its popularity and explanatory power. It is thus:

The Universe was created by a Flying Spaghetti Monster and all evidence pointing towards evolution was put in place by His Noodly Appendage.

The 'prophet' of the phenomenon of Pastafarianism one Bobby Henderson began preaching its word in an open letter to the Kansas State Board of Education in response to their decision to allow Intelligent Design to be taught in science classes alongside evolution. What started out as a reactionary joke has gone on to bring countless millions of lost souls closer to the wonder of His Noodly Appendage.

The new Religion has gained recognition by highly regarded pillars of knowledge such as New Scientist magazine and the online Wikipedia encyclopedia and this week, following recent surges in opposition to the new Faith by the Intelligent Design community, fellow blogs BoingBoing, Kottke, Sean Bonner and others have offered up a $1 Million reward to anyone who :

...can produce empirical evidence which proves that Jesus is not the son of the Flying Spaghetti Monster...

I implore you. my fellow readers. to choose your path:

  • Evolution
  • Intelligent Design / Creationism
  • The Flying Spaghetti Monster (may meatballs be upon Him)
For there can be only one...

This is not the first Internet reaction to Religious dogma. Take the much older example of The Invisible Pink Unicorn whose followers have whipped omnipotent-like through Atheism webpages and forums for well over a decade now... Something tells me though that The Flying spaghetti Monster's Noodly followers are not fading away anytime soon.


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Future Revolutions in Doughnut Technology

→ by Danieru
"We present a class of curved-spacetime vacuum solutions which develop closed timelike curves at some particular moment. We then use these vacuum solutions to construct a time-machine model. The causality violation occurs inside an empty torus, which constitutes the time-machine core. The matter field surrounding this empty torus satisfies the weak, dominant, and strong energy conditions. The model is regular, asymptotically flat, and topologically trivial. Stability remains the main open question." - link
Well that's alright then.

I suspect that given free reign with this wondrous idea The Simpsons could, if left unchecked, develop into a fully blown science fiction paradise. Knead the folds of gravity into a time morphing doughnut shape (or torus for the more scientifically enabled amongst you) and use it to go back repeatably to times which have occurred since its creation. Its a common theme in recent Time Machine constructions, sad thing is, these constructions only occur in the imaginations of theoretical physicists and are very likely to stay there. The portable De Lorean/Phone Booth time machines, so lovingly crafted by 1980s Hollywood fiction have yet to make it onto the physicists drawing boards. I for one am disappointed.

For the time being keep picturing gravity as a malleable aspect of reality and in time hopefully all deep fried dough products will start to send you back in time.

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Peddling Complete Un-reality

→ by Danieru
Following The Huge Entity's fine history of blatent self promotion it should be no surprise to my readers that I'm about to do it again...
Welcome to My Uncyclopedic Realm!

Where Dwarfs know your girlfriend intimately:

"The name Dwarf, used mainly in regions surrounding large deposits of gold or huge fire-pulsating dragons, is street-slang for Gynaecologist. A Dwarf at the height of their career can earn anything up to 1 million gold pieces per expedition. The process of studying the vagina, long thought to be a sure way to make yourself go blind, often involves deep undercover work in hard to reach and extremely inhospitable regions. Dwarfs excel at their work."
...and where The Industrial Revolution was spurned on by the invention of Disco:

"Miners can be separated into three widely known types. These are:

Welshmen: the most common breed of miner

Dwarfs: the heartiest and cutest of the breeds and

The Village People: known for their fine Disco ensembles and homosexual exploits, but generally accepted as the superior breed of miners. It was through their grit and determination that coal was brought 100% out of the ground and it was from their rousing lyrics and strong sexual awareness that progress was finally squeezed from the abscesses of history it had long resided in."
There can be only one reality. Let's hope somebody finds it soon.

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Even kids cannot stand life unless they have a drink

→ by Danieru
"Satoshi Tomoda, president of the beverage maker, said: "Children copy and mimic adults.

"If you get this drink ready on such occasions as events and celebrations attended by kids, it would make the occasions even more entertaining."

The Kidsbeer label captures a nostalgic mood as it was modeled after classic beer labels.

"Even kids cannot stand life unless they have a drink," reads the product's advertising slogan." - link

Thanks BoingBoing!
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Negative Quantum Knowledge

→ by Danieru
It's 50 years from now and your oldest son is busy trying to set up the new Quantium 8 powered home computer (bum bum bum bum...) without getting in a Quantum entanglement. You watch from the sidelines, not pretending for a millisecond to understand the new black box of spinning electrons and infinitesimally precise guiding lasers with its enormous, near absolute zero, cooling mechanism now sat on your kitchen table, but you at least have some solace. After all, you were around when the fastest computer in the world could only do a few billion calculations a second instead of the trillions and trillions your digital watch can do now. You were around when the internet was but a flicker of recognition in Bill Gates' corporate manipulating eye and not the mass transit globally evolving hyperweb it is today. You might not know much more about computers than you did 50 years hence, but surely you can't know less? Can you?
"Even the most ignorant cannot know less than nothing. After all, negative knowledge makes no sense. But, although this may be true in the everyday world we are accustomed to, it has been discovered that negative knowledge does exist in the quantum world. Small objects such as atoms, molecules and electrons behave radically different than larger objects -- they obey the laws of quantum mechanics....

...What could negative knowledge possibly mean? "If I tell it to you, you will know less," explained Dr Andreas Winter." - Link
And so history repeats itself, as is always the way, but where your father found it difficult simply to program the video recorder without getting in a cold sweat you'll have to contend with realms of knowledge that actually exist beyond the perceived rules of logical order. Your kitchen has a box in it that can quantify all the possible outcomes of the Big Bang in less than the time it would take you to sit down in your rocking chair. Go rest your weary brain in the home built anti-gravity chamber. Your generation has deserved a break.

What is a Quantum Computer anyway?

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Japanese Propaganda Advice from World War II

→ by Danieru
Heed this advice! Neurosis is not your friend...

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Rupert Discovered

→ by Danieru
The Solar System got a little bit bigger last month when an elusive Tenth planet was discovered. Bigger and colder than Pluto it's the largest object yet found in our solar system's icy asteroid layer, the Kuiper Belt, and could well be the first in a long line of extra system entities.

But planet 2003 UB313, as it has been temporarily named, still has many scientists in a twist not only for the fact of it being completely overlooked over several hundred years of telescopically enhanced astronomy, but in what on Earth to name the thing:

"1. Persephone (Greek) or Proserpina (Roman)

Many considered this the obvious favourite for naming the new planet, since Roman mythology has it that Pluto (or Hades, in Greek mythology) kidnapped Persephone, and made her his wife. So distraught was Persephone’s mother that her grief created winter. Very apt, since planets do not, as yet, get any colder than our most distant new addition. The only, but significant, problem with this name is that is already taken. As Brown himself points out: “Sadly, the name was used in 1895 as a name for the 399th known asteroid." - New Scientist Link
New Scientist asked their readers to come up with a top ten list of possibilities, many of them hailing from Greek and Roman mythology, but where science begins to tread science fiction has already stomped out the campfire - and the naming of the solar system's tenth planet is no exception.

Rupert was the name given the planet in Douglas Adams' magnificent 5th Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy book, Mostly Harmless. And it definitely stands as my personal first choice...

"The planet was named Persephone, but rapidly nicknamed Rupert after some astronomer's parrot - there was some tediously heart-warming story attached to this - and that was all very wonderful and lovely." - from Mostly Harmless by Douglas Adams
Influencing science fact with science fiction isn't a new phenomenon, and by no means would it be frowned upon. I bet a decent chunk of astronomers would relish the chance to remember Douglas Adams in such a monumental way. What would you call the Tenth planet?

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The Rourke's That Were in Japan

→ by Danieru
OK. I'm back...

It's been 3 weeks of fun with The Rourke Family amongst Japan's 3 biggest islands. We've been everywhere. Right up through Tokyo to Hokkaido and right back down through Osaka, Hiroshima to Kumamoto and the Amakusan Islands.

Here are some of my favourite pictures. For a major heap load more of my favourites check out the new Rourke Family Photogallery here or click any pic to go there... Happy Peeking...

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