Excruciatingly Large Things

Daniel Rourke's new website is:


Anti-Japanese WWII Propaganda

→ by Danieru
A series of WWII anti-Japanese US propaganda posters are doing the internet rounds. Compiled by The Pacific University's Asian Studies program there are some absolutely startling images. Give them a full peek here:

The propaganda machines of today (market research and advertising agencies) will be watching, so make sure you don't take these posters too seriously... and for a great deal more on Anti-Japanese WWII propaganda check out the Open Season webpage...

Thanks BoingBoing via WeMakeMoneyNotArt via Hugo Strikes Back via el sr Garcia!
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Japan's 'Soap Houses'

→ by Danieru
The fascinating world of the Japanese 'Soap House' is rarely talked about. Even mention the word 'soap' in a Japanese classroom and you're sure to be the butt of 'mango' jokes for weeks to come. Don't know what a Soap House is? Maybe this quote from one of its workers will get your imagination a bubbling:

"Today I've been doing 'tokkan koji' (urgent rush jobs) from morning to night. That's why my back's been killing me."
Check out the full article here and don't blame me if your image of Japan doesn't come out squeaky clean...

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(Rigging) The American Dream

→ by Danieru

Click around for more...

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Infinite Fictions

→ by Danieru
"The Invisible Library is a collection of books that only appear in other books. Within the library's catalog you will find imaginary books, pseudobiblia, artifictions, fabled tomes, libris phantastica, and all manner of books unwritten, unread, unpublished, and unfound..."
Jorge Luis Borges and Douglas Adams are the two authors which popped out at me, having between them imagined no less than 35 fictional books throughout their works (notable fictions include Adams' The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and Borges' First Encyclopedia of Tlon) . Borges himself believed that a more accurate depiction of an idea could be delivered from imagining a book than from actually writing one! Indeed in his short fable, The Library of Babel, Borges imagined an infinite library containing every possible 410-page text, so that throughout the library every book ever written, or ever to be written in the entire universe exists.

[It has been noted since that if you take an infinite, patternless number (for instance Pi / π = 3.14159 26535 89793 23846.... etc. ) and you convert each of the numbers into letters using hexidecimal code, notes on a musical scale or any other such coding system, then contained within the infinity of π are all the books ever to be written, all the songs ever to be composed, every digital TV/Radio/Internet broadcast ever to be made, the genetic information about every creature ever to have existed and so on... To make matters even more mind boggling each of these patterns is repeated an infinite number of times in a infinite number of alternate sequences off into infinity.... Sweetly enough my birthday, March 14, marks Pi Day which is celebrated by many lovers of π. A day to think about fictions indeed...]

The Invisible Library is an interesting website all in all, but it fails to give much information on each book in the catalogue, something I'd really love to be able to browse. Click above for histories of the fictions within infinities within fictions...

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A Time Traversable Universe

→ by Danieru
More waves today: Collapsing Quantum Wave Functions and their effects on a time traversable universe.
"THE laws of physics seem to permit time travel, and with it, paradoxical situations such as the possibility that people could go back in time to prevent their own birth. But it turns out that such paradoxes may be ruled out by the weirdness inherent in laws of quantum physics.

Some solutions to the equations of Einstein's general theory of relativity lead to situations in which space-time curves back on itself, theoretically allowing travellers to loop back in time and meet younger versions of themselves. Because such time travel sets up paradoxes, many researchers suspect that some physical constraints must make time travel impossible. Now, physicists Daniel Greenberger of the City University of New York and Karl Svozil of the Vienna University of Technology in Austria have shown that the most basic features of quantum theory may ensure that time travellers could never alter the past, even if they are able to go back in time.

The constraint arises from a quantum object's ability to behave like a wave. Quantum objects split their existence into multiple component waves, each following a distinct path through space-time. Ultimately, an object is usually most likely to end up in places where its component waves recombine, or "interfere", constructively, with the peaks and troughs of the waves lined up, say. The object is unlikely to be in places where the components interfere destructively, and cancel each other out.

Quantum theory allows time travel because nothing prevents the waves from going back in time. When Greenberger and Svozil analysed what happens when these component waves flow into the past, they found that the paradoxes implied by Einstein's equations never arise. Waves that travel back in time interfere destructively, thus preventing anything from happening differently from that which has already taken place. "If you travel into the past quantum mechanically, you would only see those alternatives consistent with the world you left behind you," says Greenberger."
When I first read this I was pleased, for several reasons. Forgetting for the moment that actually building a time machine is probably centuries away (if it's possible at all) these new insights into Quantum Wave Functions would seem to allow actually witnessing the past - surely the dream of every historian, anthropologist, archeologist, physicist or Star Trek fan alike - whilst not breaking the rules of cause and effect. The Wave Functions of entities and actions across the timeline are absolutely set to collapse into acceptable areas of probability whether you use your time machine or not... Phew...

I was also reminded though of theories which posit time as equal in dimensionality as space. Quantum Theory gives us a glimpse into a highly chaotic universe where one electron can be in an infinity of places at one time until the atom is positied (consciously measured). The Wave Function of an electron, atom or two-headed cat predicts the likelihood of the precise location of that entity. By plotting the Wave Function one can ascertain the probability the two-headed cat will exist in state A or state B at time C. The article above would suggest that a Wave Function can stretch back into the past, allowing the variable C to be stretched in more than 1 dimension (i.e. not just forward in time).

There is a slightly bizarre theory that says that there is only 1 true mutable atom in the universe and that it exists simulatenously, in an infinity of possible states, along our perceived timeline. Thus everything in the universe in some sense is the same mutable atom perceived at a different state along its Wave Function by the entities who share this universe. Time in this model is the scaffolding supporting the nature of our perception. Our forward moving, gradual time perception draws out that 1 atom into its infinity of possible states. The universe is thus the reflection of all the points one could draw on the Wave Function of that 1 mutable atom - call it the 'God Atom' if you like.

Anyway, there's my brain rolling off on tangents for you. If you find this a bit too much or would just like to read up on it then please click on some of the links above. I can't find a link about the 'God Atom' idea, but will add one later if I come upon a good one... What point of time would you go back too, keeping in mind that you cannot have any effect on the universe around you?

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A continuous trajectory through a high-dimensional mental space

→ by Danieru

"For decades, the cognitive and neural sciences have treated mental processes as though they involved passing discrete packets of information in a strictly feed-forward fashion from one cognitive module to the next or in a string of individuated binary symbols -- like a digital computer," said Spivey. "More recently, however, a growing number of studies, such as ours, support dynamical-systems approaches to the mind. In this model, perception and cognition are mathematically described as a continuous trajectory through a high-dimensional mental space; the neural activation patterns flow back and forth to produce nonlinear, self-organized, emergent properties -- like a biological organism."
This is facinating stuff. It would suggest that the brain has an analogue ability in terms of cognition and perception... The wave functions described on the right are those of an analogue and digital sound wave, but they can be used to describe any type of wave function. The bottom figure shows what happens when a wave is processed in binary form. The limited nature of the space available to store audio information (i.e. on a CD) means that the sound is processed in steps, in 'bits'. This is due, in part, to the limited aspects of digital storage. The analogue sound wave though is represented in the perfect curve; what the excerpt above calls "a continuous trajectory through a high-dimensional... space".

Everyone knows that the perfect circle does not exist in true natural form. The circle, the sphere, the curve are mathematical assumptions of reality. The analogue wave function is a represenation of infinity, just as the true mathematical circle is. To acheive a superb digital wave form you need more and more bits, up until to the point where the bits are perceptually indistiguishable from a true curve. The absolute truth of a wave is only expressed at levels of bits reaching infinity, a level abstracted from normality.

Is the human brain working on an infinite level of complexity? To produce a true "continuous trajectory" it might need to be. Consciousness as akin to the perfect wave form. I like that. It only takes science to prove the universe is digital (look into the idea of planck units for more on this) and we've got a real reality splitter on our hands. Afterall, light is understood in both forms: in packets of descreet data and in a true wave form. It is one of the holy grails of science to unite these two aspects of reality. Does our brain already do this?

My bad for any vagueness I produced in this post. Science and me get on, but I've definitely not got a digital brain when it comes to understanding it. Analogue all the way baby...
Read the full quoted article below, and my previous posts on and please check out their tags...

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Post a Secret

→ by Danieru
PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail-in their secrets anonymously on one side of a homemade postcard. It is one of the most haunting and captivating ideas I have ever come across... Here are some prime examples direct from the site. Please visit it:

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Apocalypse (not quite) Now

→ by Danieru

The Planet Earth: It's got to end sometime, [unless humans survive the next 4 billion years and manage to move the Planet Earth a safe distance from the impending doom of the ever expanding firey mass of hydrogen (the sun) which will eventually engulf the solar system around ca. 4,500,000,000 AD] so why not revel in the joy of prediction. Who said the Earth will end and when? Shouldn't we put paper bags on our heads or something? Will it even help?

"Feb 12, 2006 - According to an unnamed Internet prophet, this will be the date of the height of the Antichrist's power. The Antichrist is none other than Prince William of England! (This guy's website breaks an inordinate number of web design taboos. Prepare to be annoyed!)"
A Brief History of the Apocalypse will keep you busy researching possible ends right up until THE end (if any of the predicted ends actually become THE end, you'll be ready)...

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→ by Danieru
GEL TV: A way to smother yourself with that stereotyped brand of Japanese comic-insanity the West so craves.

Does this counter cultural brain squishing actually exist on the Japanese mainland? Watch Japanese TV for more than 10 minutes without bursting into flames of boredom and you're a stronger Gaijin than I...

Warning: This site is very odd and makes no sense whatsoever

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Penis Enhancement Kit, Direct from Japan

→ by Danieru

Introducing: The brand new, off the wall, penis enhancement kit, direct from Japan...

THIS beast of the road; this epiphany of manliness; this high speed willy attachment is my new car. Nissan Skyline GTS, £600 on the road. Silly isn't it... (Click it and see)

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Plethora of Religion

→ by Danieru
UPDATE: Ha, ha. Maybe you think I get up to a bit of religious and political tom-foolery here at The Huge Entity? Maybe you'd have my opinionated rantings judged by the Ginger Father Himself (check the story below)?

But I believe there is no need for punchlines when religion and Western politics collide. God may smite me down with the nearest lightning bolt to hand (maybe he could borrow one off his old mate Thor?) but a long as sites like The Swift Report are posting, us jokers will keep laughing:
"Following the lead of France and the Netherlands, American voters are widely expected to reject the US Constitution when they go to the polls later this summer. While the Constitution was once held in great acclaim by voters, its popularity has slid in recent years as it has lost market share to more muscular governing documents, including the Ten Commandments and the Patriot Act....

Constitution vs. Commandments
Observers predict that the Constitution's toughest competition is likely to come at the hands of the increasingly popular Ten Commandments, a list of religious and moral imperatives against murder, theft and house coveting written by Moses upon two tablets of stone. Unlike the Constitution which is lengthy, abstract and cluttered with amendments, the Ten Commandments are easy to follow and glamorous enough to have been the subject of a 1956 Hollywood feature film starring Charlton Heston as Moses..."
Check the full parody article here, and for more political and religious related humour The Swift Report doth deliver...

----------------Previous Post----------------

With all this talk of Intelligent Design I could hardly not share with you the plethora of religion related goodies circling the internet now could I?

News has spread the internet this week about the Nun crucified at a Romanian exorcism. Her apparent possession by an evil force was enough to provoke Father Daniel (no relation) of the convent to tie her to a crucifix in a cold room for 3 days without food or water:

'"God has performed a miracle for her, finally Irina is delivered from evil," AFP quoted the priest as saying.

I don't understand why journalists are making such a fuss about this. Exorcism is a common practice in the heart of the Romanian Orthodox church and my methods are not at all unknown to other priests," Father Daniel added.'
Is Hell real? This website seems to think so, and the Finish miners who dug deep enough into the Earth to hear 'the screams of millions of humans!' are pretty sure Hell exists too:

"As a communist I don't believe in heaven or the Bible but as a scientist I now believe in hell," said Dr. Azzacove. "Needless to say we were shocked to make such a discovery. But we know what we saw and we know what we heard. And we are absolutely convinced that we drilled through the gates of hell!"
You can hear the recording Dr. Azzacove made here (it just sounds like a bad day in a shopping mall to me).

. Keep believing people...

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A Flying Spaghetti Monster created the universe

→ by Danieru
Found this via BoingBoing and was touched by it's sheer beauty... A letter written to the Kansas School Board in response to their decision to teach Intelligent Design to its pupils:

"I am writing you with much concern after I read of your hearing to decide whether the alternative theory of Intelligent Design to be taught along with the theory of Evolution. I think we can all agree that it is important for students to hear multiple viewpoints so they can choose for themselves the theory that makes the most sense to them. I am concerned, however, that students will only hear one theory of Intelligent Design..

Let us remember that there are multiple theories of Intelligent Design. I and many others around the world are of the strong belief that the universe was created by a Flying Spaghetti Monster. It was He who created all that we see and all that we feel. We feel strongly that the overwhelming scientific evidence pointing towards evolutionary processes is nothing but a coincidence, put in place by Him.

It is for this reason that I’m writing you today, to formally request that this alternative theory be taught in your schools, along with the other two theories. In fact, I will go so far as to say, if you do not agree to do this, we will be forced to proceed with legal action. I’m sure you see where we are coming from. If the Intelligent Design theory is not based on faith, but instead another scientific theory, as is claimed, then you must also allow our theory to be taught, as it is also based on science, not on faith.

Some find that hard to believe, so it may be helpful to tell you a little more about our beliefs. We have evidence that a Flying Spaghetti Monster created the universe. None of us, of course, were around to see it, but we have written accounts of it. We have several lengthy volumes explaining all details of His power. Also, you may be surprised to hear that there are over 10 million of us, and growing. We tend to be very secretive, as many people claim our beliefs are not substantiated by observable evidence. What these people don’t understand is that He built the world to make us think the earth is older than it really is. For example, a scientist may perform a carbon-dating process on an artifact. He finds that approximately 75% of the Carbon-14 has decayed by electron emission to Nitrogen-14, and infers that this artifact is approximately 10,000 years old, as the half-life of Carbon-14 appears to be 5,730 years. But what our scientist does not realize is that every time he makes a measurement, the Flying Spaghetti Monster is there changing the results with His Noodly Appendage. We have numerous texts that describe in detail how this can be possible and the reasons why He does this. He is of course invisible and can pass through normal matter with ease.

I’m sure you now realize how important it is that your students are taught this alternate theory. It is absolutely imperative that they realize that observable evidence is at the discretion of a Flying Spaghetti Monster. Furthermore, it is disrespectful to teach our beliefs without wearing His chosen outfit, which of course is full pirate regalia. I cannot stress the importance of this, and unfortunately cannot describe in detail why this must be done as I fear this letter is already becoming to long. The concise explanation is that He becomes angry if we don’t....

P.S. I have included an artistic drawing of Him creating a mountain, trees, and a midget. Remember, we are all His creatures."
Pure Genius. Check out the full letter here.

If you are interested in the theories surrounding Intelligent Design or those 'other ideas', there is no better guide than The Panda's Thumb where its "patrons gather to discuss evolutionary theory, critique the claims of the antievolution movement, defend the integrity of both science and science education, and share good conversation."

Me? I'm still laughing about that letter... Spaghetti Monster knows why...

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Digital Teddy Ruxpin

→ by Danieru
I just had to post this...

A new, updated Teddy Ruxpin toy is apparently being released this year which "will use digital cartridges containing animation and audio"! I never had one of these robotic insanity inducers, but I do have memories of battling with my Mum about the yearning desire of my 5 years to become one with that cartoon bear whom my dreams were a tribute to.

I failed, never receiving that casette-in-the-stomach-driven Wonder-Bear, but the pain of that event bled far into my adolescence and beyond. Even today, 18 years later, I can still see that magical creature, tearing the fuck out of evil across the imagined mindscape of my childhood.

"Teddy Ruxpin dolls will retail for $69.99 each, the same price original bears sold for in 1985."
Oh, so that's why my Mum wouldn't buy me one. They were a fucking wrip off. I still love you Ruxpin (and Mum)...

Thanks Gizmodo!
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Le Bâton Musical

→ by Danieru
Following a process that took longer than my voyage through puberty, and induced much less hormonal fun, I finally bought a new car this week. The infamous Japan blogger YongFook was the previous owner and in some twisted dealing of my fate he decided to pass me a Musical-Baton (a meme/internet related look at me game) after the deal was completed. Here's my end Jon:

* Total volume of music files on my computer:
13,318 songs, 64.68GB

* Last CD I bought:
I haven't bought any music for a while, but the last album I 'aquired' was Herb Albert's - Whipped Cream and Other Delights

* Song playing right now:
I just listened to Steely Dan's - Haitian Divorce in my shitty little car

* Five songs I listen to a lot, or that mean a lot to me:
Here's five desert island tunes I chose from my most played in iTunes:

1. Captain Beefheart - Big Eyed Beans From Venus
2. Devo - It's Not Right
3. Jimmy Mcgriff - Back on Track
4. Hoppy Kamiyama - Fantasm*B
5. Prince - Do it all Night

* Three people to whom I’m passing the baton:
- Mr. Sun
- Fatwhitegeisha
- Kill The Goat

If you want to discover the who's, what's and why's of any of my music choices then the online RealMusicGuide is the perfect place to start... Enjoy!

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You Know You Want To

→ by Danieru
The internet is full of joyous, melon splitting fun, just look at this website for instance. Better than a romp in the proverbial bushes with a thousand Pamela Andersons. But what about other places? Could there possibly be any websites that can satisfy your need for input for more than 30 seconds?

Find the 13 items hidden somewhere in the Crimson Room and escape its claustrophobia inducing clutches. I challenge you to beat my time of just under 25 minutes... or go mad trying CLUE: 1994...

Or how about a dabble into the world of 'Motion logic with rigid body dynamics', courtesy of the Yugop webpage. Honestly, it plays better than it sounds...

..and finally, if you've not had enough fun solving mysteries or playing with physical laws, take a cartoon man and fly him skywards to heaven and beyond in one of my all time favourite webpages, FlyGuy.

Enjoy these links, and if you've any favourite pages of your own, please post them in the comments section.

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Bush's idea of 'World Peace'

→ by Danieru

'"I think about Iraq every day. Every single day, because I understand we have kids in harm's way," the president said at a White House news conference. "We will complete the mission and the world will be better off for it."...
"We will complete this mission for the sake of world peace," the president said.'
The incorruptible belief I have that the entire Human race is completely insane grows baby stealing tentacles and a vigorously unhygienic Hitler moustache with these words. I can hear his smarmy, self-assured-Christian tone in every slime invested syllable. World Peace will never become reality as long as lunatics are left to run amok in the corridors of power.

This news comes hot on the heels of a comment by ex-President Clinton, who states that Guantanamo should be "closed down or cleaned up". A phrase, I suspect, that many politicians elsewhere on Earth would equally apply to America's current government.

Thanks Meat Eating Leftist!
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Do Androids Dream of Electric Philip K Dicks?

→ by Danieru
Ever wondered how best to make a fitting tribute to a legendary science fiction author?
"Do androids really dream of electric sheep? Now you can ask P. K. Dick himself. This bust relies on 36 servomotors to mimic the sci-fi legend's facial expressions, and features a polymer called Frubber that looks and moves like human skin. The bot uses motion-tracking machine vision to make eye contact with passersby, and best of all, artificial intelligence and speech software enable it to carry on complex conversations. "It invents new ideas using a mathematical model of Philip K. Dick's mind extracted from his vast body of writing," says David Hanson, founder of Hanson Robotics. The mechanized tribute to the author is a fitting one: Having grappled with the question "What is reality?" throughout his career, Dick would have delighted in Hanson's efforts to blur the boundaries between humans and their android imitations."

Dick's works of fiction often blurred the human and the machine into one. Indeed in 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep', arguably Dick's most famous book (later turned into the Ridley Scott movie 'Blade Runner'), a number of androids are almost indistinguishable from humans, some even believing that they are human. It seems to me that an android built in Dick's image is the perfect way to make tribute to him, and I am absolutely sure that Dick would have loved the idea. I'd pay a lot of cash to ask the Dick 2.0 some questions. The original PKD was known for his mannerisms and his creative, conversational gymnastics, it would be fascinating to see how/if the team has integrated these into the android.

For some background on PKD see my previous post on him here. Check out the PKD Android site here or visit their expanding blog about the exhibition here... and if you want to catch up with Philip K Dick movie news keep an eye on A Scanner Darkly, the superb cyberpunk psychological-thriller, set to become part of 21st century consciousness sometime next year (click here for the amazing trailer).

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Where reality ends and your brain begins : Optical Illusions

→ by Danieru
I just had to re-post this as it was so popular last time. Enjoy (again)...

As I've been ranting on about reality, perception and the human mind for the past few days I thought I'd give you a glimpse into how much of reality your brain completely makes up. Today, OPTICAL ILLUSIONS... Check below for full explanations...

"[Above] you see a circle of blue-violettish (=magenta) patches, one of which briefly disappears, circling around.

Let your gaze rest on the central fixation cross, but observe with your “inner eye” the patches just when they disappear. With good fixation, you should see a strong greenish colour whenever the violet patch has disappeared.

When you are fixating well, after a few cycles you will actually see a rotating green spot! If your gaze is really steady, the magenta patches will disappear, leaving only a rotating green spot!


The temporal presentation enhances the well-known afterimage in complementary colour.

Jeremy Hinton writes: "The illusion illustrates Troxler fading, complementary colours, negative after-effects, and is capable of showing colours outside the display gamut." "
It is clear to see from this illusion that an 'after image' of colour can seem as real to your brain as 'real colour'. It begs the question, where does the real end and the after image begin? It gets a whole lot more crazy though when you see exactly how much of the world your brain completely makes up, check the blind-spot illusions below for a shock...

"For this image, close your right eye. With your left eye, look at the red circle. Slowly move your head closer to the image. At a certain distance, the blue line will not look broken!! This is because your brain is "filling in" the missing information.

This next image allows you to see another way your brain fills in the blind spot. Again, close your right eye. With your left eye, look at the +. Slowly move your head closer to the image. The space in the middle of the vertical lines will disappear."

The lines in both these images were finished off by your brain at the point where your blind spot is on the retina. It's amazing enough to see blank space become solid lines before your eyes, but how about more complex patterns?

I read a while back a trick you can do with your TV set. Stick a dot of cardboard, like the dot above, on to the right hand side of your TV set. With a bit of messing around, closing your right eye try and figure out where on the TV screen your blind spot lies. Now, stick a grey, 2 cm square of cardboard onto that spot on the TV and flick the channel over to a static fuzz image (you know, the fuzziness you get between stations). Now repeat the illusion by covering your right eye. In a few moments you should see the grey square become filled in by the static fuzz on the TV screen! Your brain is filling in complex, impossibly random patterns without hassle.

Could it be that the entire real world is in our perceptual blind-spot? The brain, it seems, is the true purveyor of reality.

Enjoy your illusions, check out the last few days posts for my pre-amble to this post...

Thanks I-Hacked, Michael Bach and Washington Ed-Faculty!
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A homemade sword, a hatchet, a knife, brass knuckles, a chain saw and a partridge in a pear tree

→ by Danieru
This story makes fiction seem pointless...
"BOSTON - On April 25, Gregory Despres arrived at the U.S.-Canadian border crossing at Calais, Maine, carrying a homemade sword, a hatchet, a knife, brass knuckles and a chain saw stained with what appeared to be blood. U.S. customs agents confiscated the weapons and fingerprinted Despres. Then they let him into the United States.

The following day, a gruesome scene was discovered in Despres' hometown of Minto, New Brunswick: The decapitated body of a 74-year-old country musician named Frederick Fulton was found on Fulton's kitchen floor. His head was in a pillowcase under a kitchen table. His common-law wife was discovered stabbed to death in a bedroom."
...and customs officials across the globe still get riled searching for nail files in hand luggage. I mean just look at the guy! Simply brilliant (apart from the brutal murder of course).

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Korean School Children's Opinions of Japan

→ by Danieru
Wow, this link really needs to be seen to be believed.

I knew Japan was unpopular throughout much of Asia (check out this post to get a better idea how much) but when Korean school children use their school project to aim venom at their closest neighbour, 'unpopularity' takes on new meaning.

"Imagine if something like this was done in Japanese schools, what kinda stink would that cause around Asia?" - so says F*cked Gaijin

Check out some more examples of hand drawn, hatred schooling here...

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Penetrating the Gravity Based Kitty Hole

→ by Danieru
I was browsing through some oldish keitai photos tonight and discovered this long forgotten beauty. This is an inflatable indoor bouncy castle modeled in the shape of Japanese favourite pop icon, Hello Kitty...
Innocent? Joyful? Harmless fun?


Parents across the land smile in wonder at what exactly goes on inside Kitty-Chan... and the sick minded Gaijin quietly backs away from his post. Night Night...

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The Correlation Between McDonalds and Strangulation

→ by Danieru
I have recently become annoyed by the media onslaught of statistics we, as the general public, have to face on a day to day basis. It is a well rounded cliche that you can say anything you like with the right slant on the wrong statistic, but the main issue for me is simply that turning the world into an endless list of figures, constantly being correlated against each other, is a recipe for the de-personalisation of existence. This, in a world of 6 billion plus disconnected people, is dangerous.

So it was with half trepidation, half glee that I stumbled upon the Nation Master website. An online catalogue of worldwide statistics, that allows ANYONE (yes, you, you and you) to plough through and compare pretty much anything they like.

I got to work on Japan and instantly discovered that it has the highest number of deaths by strangulation in the (recognised) world (21,320 in the year 2000)! Comparing this to the fact that Japan has the second highest number of McDonalds (3,598 to be precise) it was clear to me that there was a relationship developing...

Correlating these figures with the other top countries in each category I hit gold! The USA has the highest number of McDonalds and the second highest number of deaths by strangulation!!! Germany also shares the top 5 countries in both categories... Have I proved that asphyxiation danger lurks around every nation's Big-Mac cheese burger and fries? Many would say not, but still, it's better to be safe than sorry... YOU HAVE BEEN McWARNED!

Go check out Nation Master for yourself, and please please please report back any interesting correlations you find... Statistics can be fun!

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Michael Jackson Found 'Not Guilty'

→ by Danieru
UPDATE: Yes, we all know Michael is free, and most of us knew all along that it was unlikely he was even capable of child molestation, but I have to admit that my conviction in Michael's innocence was not 100% absolute. The trials portrayal by the media is a master class in public manipulation, and fundamentally shaped the way Michael was perceived. It sold a hell of a lot of newspapers, but could it have almost destroyed a man for whom fan worship is all he seems to have left?

For a truly superb analysis of Michael's mental character please check out this article over at Slate magazine. It succinctly sums up what the most compassionate Jackson fan would not care to admit i.e. Michael is a Peter Pan whose fantasy world has finally fallen apart around him. Good luck in the future Michael. You'll always be one of the true musical Genii...

Here's to a fully cleared Michael Jackson, long live the King of Pop! Oh, yeah and here's a tip for you: Stop inviting under-age boys with dodgy, money grabbing parents to share a bed with you! OK?

Nuff said...

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The Kansas Abortionist Fetus Eater

→ by Danieru
"A Kansas City abortionist is out of business after investigators discovered a grisly house of horrors at his clinic – with fetuses kept in Styrofoam cups in his refrigerator and one employee accusing him of microwaving one and stirring it into his lunch....

In March, a board inspector made two surprise visits to Rajanna' clinic. He reported the facility was unclean and that he found syringes of medications in an unlocked refrigerator. The inspector also reported finding a dead mouse in the hallway.

Rajanna said in his 10 years of performing abortions in Kansas City, no patient has complained about care."
Mmmmm, yummy. I wonder if he managed to avoid that most annoying of all microwave tendancies; turning the outside to mush, whilst leaving the inside cold and crunchy.

The Kansas Abortionist Fetus Eater has a nice ring to it. Read the full story below...

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Rumsfeld Worried About Image

→ by Danieru
"US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has told the BBC his country needs to do a "better job" at communicating its policies to the rest of the world.
"I think the US is notably unskilful in our communications and our public diplomacy," he said in Washington. "
Well smack my arse and call me George... Is this meant to be a surprising opinion, or just an admition of guilt?
The British Broadcasting Corporation - forever wrestling the baby of truth from the jaws of astonishment....

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As Dreams Are Made of

→ by Danieru
As my regular 2 or 3 readers may know, I have recently been on a mission to blur the lines composing human perception. Reality as a construct of the brain, reality as a simulation, reality as simulacrum. Where next?

Dreams: everyone has them, everyone is touched by them at some point in their life, whether it's the sweat inducing nightmare or the deeply erotic fantasy the sleeping mind is the bearer of more creative energy than a thousand day dreams. Dream Theory in Malaya is a favourite article of mine, written quite a way back now in 1935 by a Dr. Kilton Stewart it still resonates with original insight and starts thus...

"As a member of a scientific expedition traveling through the unexplored equatorial rain forest of the Central Range of the Malay Peninsula in 1935, I was introduced to an isolated tribe of jungle folk [The Senoi], who employed methods of psychology and inter-personal relations so astonishing that they might have come from another planet...

...It was the late H. D. Noone, the Government, Ethnologist of the Federated Malay States, who introduced me to this astonishing group. He agreed with me that they have built a system of inter-personal relations which, in the field of psychology, is perhaps on a level with our attainments in such areas as television and nuclear physics. From a year's experience with these people working as a research psychologist, and another year with Noone in England integrating his seven years of anthropological research with my own findings, I am able to make the following formulations of the principles of Senoi psychology.

Being a pre-literate group, the principles of their psychology are simple and easy to learn, understand, and even employ. Fifteen years of experimentation with these Senoi principles have convinced me that all men, regardless of their actual cultural development, might profit by studying them."

You can read the full article here.

After first reading this classic anthropological and psychological study I was inspired to infuse more meaning into my dreams. Indeed the article as a whole suggests that in time the individual's dream can become a tool not only for personal growth, but also intense social bonding within family and community groups. But Dream Theory in Malaya also made me realise how little of my dream reality I remember, and since reading it, I have been little able to improve my 'dream memory' however hard I've tried.

Why is it that some people can unravel every explicit detail of every dream they have, night on night? When I personally find it difficult to keep hold of my dreams for more than a few minutes after I awake? I need a solution, a way to strengthen my dream recall. Am I doomed to forever make do with snippets of moments formatted into slurred nothings by the brain which created them?

I need your help!

I believe that dreams are an important aspect of what makes a person. How does your brain formulate your dreams from your experiences? Recent dream research suggests that it is at night that the brain does most of its work, turning raw information acquired during the day into solid, pliable memories and learning. So in a sense, remembering your dreams is like having an access point into the process that makes you who you are. It is through dreaming that your experience and perception is shaped, it is in that shaping that your reality is formulated.

I long to remember more of my dreams! How about you?

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This is Ted Jesus Christ GOD

→ by Danieru
"Preferred Photo of Ted Jesus Christ GOD at 40 years of age that is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and is the Son of man and the Son of David and from a BLOODLINE and LINE and LINAGE and Born Again a Christian and a Nativity and NOT Coming in the sky or remote or descending. Ted was born in 1959....

...Ted can and does PROVE that Bibles are not 100% TRUTH or ALL GOOD and this is WHY many have the ENORMOUSLY GREAT EXPECTATIONS for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ that are FALSE.

The Site of tedjesuschristgod.org is Maintained DIRECTLY and ONLY by Ted Jesus Christ GOD."

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Land of the Dead

→ by Danieru
UPDATE: BoingBoing posts a link to an LA Times piece about Romero and his illustrious, flesh eating career. Check it out here...

In an alternate reality where evil's reign over humanity knows no bounds the doors of hell have burst open, and the dead are left to walk the Earth. This is George A. Romero's vision, best realised in my all time favourite horror movie, 1978's Dawn of the Dead... Another sequel, an embarrassing remake and a full 27 years later George is back, and he's brought his franchise with him. Next week sees Land of the Dead infest theatres across the world, and I can assure you that deeply concealed beneath my cynical exterior there's a whole heap of Daniel screaming for a Japanese release real soon.

Can George hope to re-invigorate the zombie genre which he has so often been accused of creating? Somehow I doubt it, not where modern Hollywood and its budget driven appeal is concerned, but one thing I do know for sure is that watching warm human flesh being torn from the quivering remains of a dying Earth by hell's rotting spawn will always, repeat ALWAYS be high on my list of things to do. Here's to George, may the walking dead forever reign in his imagination. Check out the full trailer for Land of the Dead below...

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Alcohol-Induced Unintelligent, Desociability Disorder

→ by Danieru
In an attempt to discover exactly what 10 months in Japan can do to a gaijin's personality I have turned to the utterly unscientific Face Analyzer.com - A voyage into the unknown oracle of online face analysing software.

The results are somewhat startling (click each image for a better view/comparison):

Image 1: Taken not long after I arrived on glorious Japanese shores. Fresh faced, at the peak of my game, unaware of the terrible changes that time would inflict on me.

8.1 Extremely Intelligent - You don't need facial analysis software to figure that one out...
6.9 High Sociability - Of course, as the photo would suggest, I am the ultimate guest at any party (now taking applications for wedding ceremonies, barmitzvas and funerals...)

BUT NO! The story is not complete, what horror lurks 10 months on in my life? What has the increasingly incessant onslaught of JET life done to my supple brain and insanely beautiful body?

Image 2: BANG!! Taken just a few weeks ago in a taxi somewhere near Kumamoto. Riddled with regretable joy, oozing alcohol flavoured puss from every orifice. The scars are beginning to show in the shape of taxi driver's attire. What are you smiling at?

7.0 Very Intelligent - OK, this may not sound like much of a dip for you, but for a man used to living in the extremes being thrust down into the very category is a hard knock to accept. Wait, there's more...
3.1 Low Sociability - LOW SOCIABILITY! Kill me before the next wave of infinite pain ruptures my ego-spleen! Being here was meant to rise me high on the shoulders of society, leave the rotting masses and leap, head held aloft the crowds, but look - reduced to a taxi driver's hat wielding moron with no friends to call my own. DESTROYED!

To call these results devastating is an understatement. That is it for the long nights in and lonely, boil in a bag curry for dinner, I'm off, right now, to paint the nearest town some colour bright enough to be seen from the Earth's upper ionosphere. Not only has my brain melted and my social skills been depleted, but I have lost precisely 0.8 of my Gay Factor! A figure too painful to dwell on much longer.

If you can bare the pain check out the Face Analyser yourself. But just remember:

Japan + Time + Fun = Alcohol-Induced Unintelligent, Desociability Disorder

You have been warned...

P.S. There is at least one good thing that seems to have come from my time away from Britain. I am now 40% more Anglo-Saxon than I was when I left! Changing from 100% Middle-Eastern has taken 10 months of hard Japanisation. Well, at least you Brits now know where to come if you want to get back in touch with your genetic roots. See ya...

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Gaijin Control

→ by Danieru

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Gun shoots faster than Earth moves through space

→ by Danieru
Now this, is rather cool:
"Sandia National Labs has accelerated a small plate from zero to 76,000 mph in less than a second.

The speed of the thrust was a new record for Sandia's Z Machine - sometimes referred to as the fastest gun in the West. Actually the fastest in the world, it is now able to propel small plates at 34 kilometers a second, faster than the 30 km/sec that Earth travels through space in its orbit about the sun, 50 times faster than a rifle bullet, and three times the velocity needed to escape Earth's gravitational field."
Just think of the possibilities!

  • Firing George Bush directly into space (none of that messing around with space shuttles for him)!
  • The first custard pie on the surface of the moon!
  • The possibility of shooting God himself (surely Heaven can't move faster than the Earth?)!
  • A tennis ball serving mechanism that improves player's ability by making them shit their pants!
  • Shooting the person facing you in the back of the head by firing the opposite way around the planet!
  • Missiles that can go back in time (so long as they are fired against the progression of standard mean time)!

People always assumed that the future of guns was big, fuck off lasers. Now we know for sure that the future involves moving projectiles faster than the Earth we can all settle down and enjoy our new found ability to progress beyond even the revolution of a planet's motion.
First commercially available "faster than the planet gun" to hit the shelves by 2020? I want me one...

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Simulating the Human Brain within a computer designed by the Human brain

→ by Danieru
Following from Friday's post on scientist's attempts to build a computer model of the Universe I came upon this New Scientist post about building a computer simulation of the Human brain:
"An effort to create the first computer simulation of the entire human brain, right down to the molecular level, was launched on Monday.

The 'Blue Brain' project, a collaboration between IBM and a Swiss university team, will involve building a custom-made supercomputer based on IBM's Blue Gene design.

The hope is that the virtual brain will help shed light on some aspects of human cognition, such as perception, memory and perhaps even consciousness."
At first glance this of course seems preposterous, especially if you are of the opinion that the Human part of the brain is something inaccessible to science. Given modern technology's exponential improvements, and the 10 year life span the project has been given, it is by no means out of the question that this stupendous undertaking could be completed.

There goes a cliche that says there are more interconnections of neurons in the Human brain than there are atoms in the known Universe, numbers simply too high to picture and seemingly impossible to recreate. Where could computer technology be taking us over the next decade? When we have modeled the Human brain, maybe even glimpsed those first insights into the ever elusive consciousness, perception, the 'soul' then where do we go? Surely the next logical step, as tied in with increasing computing capacity, will be to create artificial minds that out-perform the human brain. Computers already whoop human-ass in terms of shear calculations per second, so when the actual processing power of these machines begins to outweigh our own by even a tiny amount our fast track to being out-evolved by our own technology will be underway.

My personal view of the Universe is intimately tied in with the evolution of consciousness. It took over 13 billion years of cosmic evolution for a system as complicated as the Human brain to evolve from the mass of hot gas created after the Big Bang. Now a sub-system of the Universe, i.e. the Human mind, is capable of probing the very fabric of truth that binds reality together. With every scientific advancement, every breakthrough in philosophical understanding we not only aid our own 'progress' towards the unknown barriers of reality that drive us, I believe we actually help realise the Universe. What good is a Universe without systems within it which bring it into focus?
"It would be a poor thing to be an atom in a universe without physicists, and physicists are made of atoms - A physicist is the atom's way of knowing about atoms..." - George Wald
To branch off from the brain's amazing potential and possibly begin to design new forms of consciousness, through computer technology, we are bringing forth new realms of existence from the depths of the ever multiplicating branches of reality. Of course this sounds pure nonsense, science fiction, but if humans do survive the next century (let's face it, there's no better than a 50/50 chance of this happening) and pull themselves from the quagmire of self destruction we have wallowed in for thousands of years I truly believe that at least the spores cast off into the cosmos by humans will help realise a future reality no one alive today could possibly, in their wildest imaginations, have any conception of.

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The Demon Barbers

→ by Danieru
I just heard some amazing news. One of my best mates and his sister are in a band called The Demon Barbers, a manic blend of traditional folk music with an eclectic modern, and indisputably, British spin. Well not only is there new studio album "Waxed" to be released very soon (you can sign up to their website and download some exclusive, free tracks or just simply pre-order the album for under a tenner), but this summer they will be playing the legendary Glastonbury festival in the UK.

And I'm going to miss it...

So this is just a big plug for them, how deep is my love, and I wish them all the luck with the new album and pray like a Christian re-born that someone with a video camera can capture the atmosphere of their Glastonbury performance for me. Please check out their website for an insight into one of the UK's freshest, up and coming folk acts.


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Gay Fuel

→ by Danieru
"Gay Fuel is pasteurized, has a great fruit flavor, is slightly carbonated and overcomes other energy drinks’ artificial taste. With the energetic goal of creating a superior product, Gay Fuel was formulated using the highest quality ingredients, such as real sugar as opposed to the less expensive and more commonly used corn-syrup."
Real sugar, oh yeah, surely the gayest ingredient on the planet. A drink targeted at the Gay community? What next? Black Fuel? Dwarf Fuel? Where does it end. Check out this full website below, bizarre...

Thanks Portal of Evil!
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Tasting Music

→ by Danieru
Take a bunch of computer technology, a pile of CDs, bang it all in a table and what do you get? A state of the art way to play and share music. This is one of the coolest things I have seen in a long time... Check out the movie at the link below for an inkling of what I'm ranting about... (make sure you scroll down the page once it's loaded)

Thanks F*ckedGaijin!
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Simulating the entire Universe within a computer made from bits of the Universe

→ by Danieru
"Scientists have recreated a vast segment of the universe inside a computer and written a brief history of time, black holes and galaxy formation.
The Millennium Simulation - the biggest exercise of its kind - required 25 million megabytes of memory. But it tracked the 14bn-year history of creation in months and now offers a tool to explore mysterious events in galaxies far away and long ago.

"It is the biggest thing we have ever done," said Carlos Frenk of the University of Durham. "It is probably the biggest thing ever in computational physics. For the first time we have a replica universe which looks just like the real one. So we can now for the first time begin to experiment with the universe.

"Unlike people who study human behaviour, who can study many humans, cosmologists have been stuck with only the one universe. Well, from today we have more than one.""
But where, I ask, do simulation and reality differ? Where, in fact, do they diverge? Of course on this scale the 25 million megabytes can only hope to come so far in 'replicating' reality, but keep adding to that (the updated version of Moores Law states that the amount of memory available in a certain space on a microchip doubles every 18 months) and when do we have the capacity to fully model the universe? When could we exceed it?

The metaphysical questions this raises are just too far and wide to be discussed in one blog entry. Has the Universe itself evolved to a level where a competent model of itself can be formed from itself? Did that sentence give you a headache? I've needed an excuse to blog about reality, simulation and perception for a while. Here's my chance. Watch this space...

Check out the quoted full article at this link or check out a slightly different take here

Pictures, movies and further info about the Virgo project can be found at their website, here

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There and Back Again

→ by Danieru
T'was the Kobe Re-contracting Conference this week, a great reason to meet up with the teacher-folks I share my lifestyle with out here.

Osaka holds the record for the weirdest night out. School Girl Snack Bars and Capsule hotels? It could only be the truth on a Friday night in Japan.

Me and 3 spanking lads then traveled to the 2005 World Expo in Nagoya. A wonderful day of frolicking amongst World inspired exhibitions and testing out World inspired alcohol.

Kobe was the last port of call for the Conference itself. Big ups JET dudes!

Check out my photo-gallery for a better run down of events and DON'T FORGET to leave some comments, or I'll package my entire life up into a cardboard box and fire it into space so only aliens and well trained astronauts may taste its delights. You have been warned...

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Body Like a Box of Horse Shit

→ by Danieru
Back from the brink...

Today, since my entire body feels as if it has been surgically removed and replaced with a box of horse shit I thought I'd save the world of internet surfing for all you lovely folk.

Here are some interesting links for you to check out:

Is modern life rubbish? A new study concludes that "Schizophrenia is more common in developed countries than poorer nations". (Cue poor Schizophrenia joke of your choice here, no there, no here... and so on.)

Are Earth's Mass Extinctions caused by the evolution of 'Super Predators'? 26 million years is all it takes for nature to mutate one, Polish research suggests. Fascinating stuff, but is it about time we admit that Humans are the current Super Predators? I'll leave that one up to you...

And following from 'The Stiff Drinking Re-contracting JET Conference 2005' here's a link to a piece on Japanese hangover remedies. GO EAT THE UMEBOSHI!

Photos of my week away to come real soon (Note: no umeboshi was consumed in the making of the 2005 JET Re-contracting Conference)

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