The Huge Entity: Bloggers Against Ignorance - Pulsating Nonsense of the Highest Degree

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Bloggers Against Ignorance


The Huge Entity proudly announces the official launch of the :

Bloggers Against Ignorance Campaign

Following response to my post about ignorance in the political and religious universe (found here) and the specific anger instilled in me I decided to devise a way to spread anti-ignorance ideas throughout the Blogsphere. By placing a link to this image on your site (click for the weblink to the image you choose) you will be showing the world that political and religious ignorance will not be tolerated. Our manifesto will be drawn up on the following principles.

We are for:

  1. Recognising the equality of all people, regardless of their beliefs
  2. Recognising the inherent problems caused by insular politics and religion on the wider world
  3. Promoting news, views and comments across the blogsphere which correspond to these principles

We are against:

  1. Promotion of secularised political ideas - i.e. Stating: 'Bush is doing God's work'
  2. Ignorance of other's belief systems - i.e. Stating: 'Christianity/Islam is the one true religion'
  3. Using religion as an excuse - i.e. Stating: 'There is no need for immediate action as Jesus will shortly return', Announcing a 'Holy War' on your enemies
  4. Narrow mindedness on political & religious matters - i.e. Promoting the teaching of only creationism in schools, completely rejecting abortion under any circumstances
  5. Spreading hatred of ANY kind - Opinion and belief are one thing, truth and fact another!

These principles can and WILL be altered and updated as time goes on. Please offer ideas - I NEED HELP AND ADVICE TO GET THIS BALL ROLLING.
For the moment I will keep this website ( as the base for the campaign, but I am very willing to purchase a more specific web address if the campaign is successful. I have drawn up two very simple logos. The backwards fish is a little more obviously opinionated. Any ideas on the logos? Is an anti-Bush slant a bad idea? Any comments very much appreciated!

Am I wasting my time? Do you agree/disagree with me? Have you any comments on the subject of ignorance? PLEASE comment below. Thank you so very very much for showing an interest

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Danieru said...

Here are some very helpful comments I received from

"The new logo is much better, I would suggest you lose the other one altogether.

Here are some specifics I have issues with:

1. Promotion of secularized political ideas - i.e. Stating: 'Bush is doing God's work'

I really don't think saying this phrase is intolerant, as long as the person speaking really believes that. It can make people uncomfortable, but such is the nature of religion.

2. Ignorance of other's belief systems - i.e. Stating: 'Christianity/Islam is the one true religion'

This could be stated in a more positive light. i.e.
All religions, as well as atheism, have valid points and all should be included and accepted as members of the community.

3. Using religion as an excuse - i.e. Stating: 'There is no need for immediate action as Jesus will shortly return', Announcing a 'Holy War' on your enemies

Do you really hear this that often? Wouldn't most people that you are targeting with this campaign already discount anyone who said this?

4. Narrow mindedness on political & religious matters - i.e. Promoting the teaching of only creationism in schools, completely rejecting abortion under any circumstances

This is a big point of disagreement for me. Specifically, I believe that a person's beliefs should effect their views on social policy. Notice I said "beliefs" not "religion". I am by no means a religious man, but I am stridently pro-life. I came to my pro-life views via logic and reason and not by religion. Saying that I think abortion is wrong under any circumstances is not narrow mindedness or religious doctrine, it is simply my position.

5. Spreading hatred of ANY kind - Opinion and belief are one thing, truth and fact another!

No issues with this, but an observation. The "religion" of secularism often imposes its doctrine by beating the heads of its detractors with the stick of "Fighting hate" or "inclusiveness". This behavior is no different from the religious nuts or the idiot skinheads. Since you put out a leftward/antibush position in other areas, I am put off by this based on my experience.

Just to be clear, I think this is worth doing, I am only trying to help you reach my readers as well as other right-center people. It will not be a useful movement on the web if it only targets the left/far left."

Thanks for those, most useful. More comments please...

11:03 PM  
Anonymous said...

Uh-oh! It looks like someone's "inner leftie" just woke up.

So, what did it? See a good movie or something? You can't change the world like this. "Bloggers against ignorance" indeed.

1:20 AM  
Anonymous said...

Uh-oh! It looks like someone's "inner leftie" just woke up.

So, what did it? See a good movie or something? You can't change the world like this. "Bloggers against ignorance" indeed.

1:20 AM  
Anonymous said...

This is brilliant! What better way to raise your Google rankings and general awareness of your site than to coopt this symbol, make it your own, and give hundreds of other bloggers a reason to create hyperlinks to your site.

This is FANTASTIC marketing. Plus, a good way to send an FU to the BushFish people.

Here's another idea for you...

If you rotate the symbol 90 degrees to the left, doesn't the BushFish look more like a bomb with Dubya's name on it? If you are going to coopt the symbol, I think you should do something more fun, and obvious. I don't think everyone understands what inverted symbols represent (e.g. your flipped fish, the upside-down cross, etc).

Just my $0.02 worth...

Good luck on the marketing plan.

1:35 AM  
Danieru said...

the chance that this will get wide enough coverage to give my site much press is pretty slim...
the logo already looks like a bomb to me.
i'm still battling with my inner voice that says "anti-religion, anti-bush" is better. but i know this will make people avoid the whole point of this (plus its very hypocritical). i just like making fun too much

8:42 AM  

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